Friday, April 29, 2011

The Modern-Day Patriot

No, she doesn't have an American flag sewn on like a cape.  He doesn't break out in random bouts of the Star Spangled Banner.  There is no fanfare played when she walks into the room.  He doesn't trot along to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.  Red, white, and blue glitter does not lace every word that comes out of her mouth.

He's intelligent.  Well-versed.  Votes in every election.  She has actually written (using pen and paper, envelope and stamp) to her Congressmen.  She can tell you about current issues.  He knows that our forefathers were not the ones to abolish slavery, and that Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.  Who am I describing?

The modern-day Patriot.

This post is the second in a series I started last week regarding patriotism.  You can read the first post here.  To be patriotic does not require one to quote the Preamble to the Constitution, nor does it mean that "USofA" is every third word coming out of your mouth.  It means that you pay attention to what's happening.  You don't buy into the "birther" crap.  You aren't afraid to say "I'm an American."  You understand that your country isn't perfect (really, what country is?), but it's a pretty darn good place to be.

Sure, maybe you didn't vote for Obama.  But you know what?  He's your President too.  He doesn't just lead the ones that voted for him.  He leads us all.  He has to listen to the Republicans and the Democrats.  One decision may have been suggested by the Republicans, but that doesn't mean it doesn't apply to the Democrats as well.  And the same with the Democrat-backed proposals.  Why all of the Obama-bashing?  Like it or not, he is President of the United States.  So why not suck it up and say, "You know what, Mr. President?  Even though I didn't vote for you and I probably won't vote for you in the next election, I'm going to stand behind you while you're in office.  I believe in this country, and I believe that we can make it the best place on Earth.  So cheers to you, Mr. President!  I will make known my opinions and what I'd like to see happen while you're in office so you can have as much knowledge of what the American People want while you're in office!"

Stand up!  Set an example!  Be an active American!!  Patriotism has to do with loving your country, so naturally you should do whatever is in the best interest of your country, and if that means jumping on board and supporting those in office while they're there, so be it.